Allen County Lumber Stores

Allen County, Indiana has 9 Lumber Stores, with a population of 367.7 thousand, there is 1 Lumber Store for every 40.9 thousand people. Allen County is ranked 48th of 92 counties in Indiana for Lumber Stores per capita.

All Lumber Stores in Allen County, Indiana

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Builders First Source 12727 Lima Rd Fort Wayne, 46818

Carter Lumber Reclaimed Lumber, Roofing Supplies 6630 State Rd 930 E New Haven, 46774

Carter Lumber Reclaimed Lumber, Roofing Supplies 6630 State Rd 930 Fort Wayne, 46803

Eicher & Sons 20231 State Rd 37 Harlan, 46743

Lowe's Of North Fort Wayne Indiana Home Improvement Supplies, Lumber, Tools 6931 Lima Rd Fort Wayne, 46818

Menards - Electrical 5511 Meijer Dr Fort Wayne, 46835

ProBuild 12727 Lima Rd Fort Wayne, 46818

Roethele Building Materials 3000 N Wls St Fort Wayne, 46808

S & S Custom Cut Lumber 7920 Winchester Rd Fort Wayne, 46819